Yoga for depression & Anxiety. Weekend immersion
October 7-9, 2016
Tuition $175
Plus over night guest rates:
Semi private bed Friday – Sunday $220
Dorm bed Friday – Sunday $180
This workshop will focus on understanding the impact of depression and anxiety on the body and mind. It will also address the ways in which our physical state and the quality of our breath may contribute to our emotional experience, and can be altered to ease depression and anxiety.
Participants will learn simple yogic tools- yoga postures ( asanas), breathing techniques ( pranayamas) and meditation to balance the nervous system , alleviate depression and release anxiety. This immersion weekend is designed for yoga students, yoga teachers and mental health practitioners who are interested in bringing awareness to the body as part of the healing process.
To register please contact
Ananda Ashram at 845-782-5575
or anandaashramyoga@gmail.com